Insurance professionals providing guidance and protection for Louisiana, the Gulf State, and beyond with integrity since 1989!

Conceived 35 years ago as an organized collective of independent insurance agencies, Northlake Insurance Group continues to deliver on our mission to serve and protect industry, commercial enterprises, and the needs of citizens throughout Louisiana, the Gulf States, and beyond.

Northlake helps each member realize their unique strategy. From the bargaining power of our growing, collective volume of business, that forms the basis of our carrier management strategy, to the essential collaborative dynamic amongst our members, it is an organization where the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts. 

Much more than an aggregator, we have crafted an environment that positions our insurance agencies to achieve substantial growth, one that also fosters a culture where employees are trained and encouraged to achieve their full potential. Our model is well suited to potential members keen on a long-term relationship and partnership that will endure. We offer an evolving variety of benefits to members designed to deliver the best possible experience for our customers.

When combined with our long and envious reputation in the industry, our insurance professionals enjoy a broader base of solutions for homeowners, up to the most complex commercial risks. Professionalism, sound, yet creative solutions, an innovative approach to risk management, all contribute to a loyal customer base and increased agency revenue. Together this makes Northlake the right choice for independent insurance agencies looking to strike a balance between independence and the right strategic partnership. Let us show you how we can help you realize your goals!

Ryan Thomson,

Northlake Insurance Group Ltd.


Northlake Contracted Brokers & Companies

AF Group
Burns & Wilcox
CRC Group
Imperial PFS
Risk Transfer Partners
Ryan Turner Specialty
SIF Homebuilders
Accident Fund
Amtrust Financial
Berkshire Hathaway
Eastern Alliance
Hanover Insurance Group
The Hartford
National General